- Title
- Strike Bulletin from S.F. State
- Date
- 06 December 1968
- Creator
- ["San Francisco State College. Student Strike Support Committee"]
- Description
- Flier announcing the fourth week of the San Francisco State College student strike, reiterating the demands of the Third World students, and and discusses the goals of the strike in response. Describes how racism plays a part in student admissions and teaching in the university. Note at bottom states that the Third World Liberatin Front "consists of groups of Black, Mexican, Filipno, Chinese, Japanese, and Indian students." Transcribed: STRIKE BULLETIN-from S.F. State As the student strike at San Francisco State College moves toward its 4th week, the community remains unclear about the nature and goals of the strike because of the dis- tortions and lies of the mass media. The goal of the strike is to force the university to grant 15 demands of Third World** students. These demands strike at the "legalized" racism of the university, such as the unfair entrance standards, lack of Third World history courses or control over these courses, lack of funds for programs. We are not striking to destroy a tax-supported insitituion supposedly designed to educate working people's children, to become productive people able to solve community problems. We are trying to point out that the institu- tion as it stands now totally disregards the problems of the community, such as lack of jobs, poor housing and education. For the university to disregard the needs of black, brown and white working people when these needs are so great, is to contribute to the continuation of these oppressive living conditions. In reality white, black and brown working people pay taxes to finance a university which is just another one of the bosses factories. The university trains students to become plant managers, efficiency experts, social workers, teachers, etc. These skills are not taught to help people, but to control, manipulate and make sure that people accept things as they are. For example, teachers are trained to tell our children that the only heroes in America are the Rockefellers and Fords, big businessmen who make their fortunes off the backs of working people. What is not taught is the militant struggle of millions of working people for unionization, manimum wage laws, public education. The bosses who run our schools don't want us to get the idea that it was only because of the united fighting strength of community people that these things were won, and thatthe real heroes are the working people. RACISM IN THE SCHOOLS Just as anti-working class ideas are found in the universities, so is racism. There are two main aspects to this. Structurally, the university denies admittance to most Third World people (one half of SF high school grads are Third World, yet only 15% of SF State College is Third World). History courses disregard or distort the productive role of Third World people in this country. For example, the role of Indians and Mexicans in settling and developing California is presented as inferior to the accomplishments of the white settlers. A second aspect is the perpetuation of racist attitudes among white students. A future teacher from State College knows nothing of either the great oppression of Third World people, or the contribution they have made to this society. This teacher will not be able to respect the Third World community, nor be able to join with the Third World students and parents to fight for better schools. During the strike the College administration has continually said that if the demands were met the white students would suffer. They are hoping that white and black students will bicker among themselves for the few crumbs they offer rather than fighting together for enough money for a decent education for all of us. This is a "divide and conquer" trick bosses have used for years. The struggle of the students for Third World demands is part of the same struggle Third World people are waging in their communities, for better living and working conditions. It is also part of the struggle the strikers at the LA Herald-Examiner are waging when they fight cops and scabs in order to preserve and strengthen their union. The college administration and mass media will Continue to picture the strike at SF State as harmful to the community. Since this strike demands that the university function for the community, we invite criticisms, suggestions, and support from the community. We would like to talk to individuals, groups, unions, etc. about the strike. Call 586-3315 or 621-7018. **The Third World Liberation Front at SFSC consists of groups of Black, Mexican, Filipino, Chinese, Japanese, and Indian students. SAN FRANCISCO STATE COLLEGE STRIKE SUPPORT COMMITTEE
- Form/Genre
- ["Fliers (Ephemera)"]
Strike Bulletin from S.F. State
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